One On One Kicking Trainees to the NFL … What an awesome day it was yesterday and today for many kickers and punters. It was great to see One On One Kicking Trainee Caleb Sturgis be the first kicker drafted in the 2013 NFL Draft. As the draft ended many specialists signed NFL Contracts. One On One Kicking Trainees Spencer Benton, Maikon Bonani, the Ray Guy Award Winner Ryan Allen, Derek Dimke, and Alex Dunnachie signed NFL Contracts. We are very proud of them and wish them all the best of luck !

  • Spencer Benton – Dallas Cowboys
  • Caleb Sturgis – Miami Dolphins
  • Maikon Bonani – Tennessee Titans
  • Ryan Allen – New England Patriots
  • Derek Dimke – New York Jets
  • Alex Dunnachie – New York Jets

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